I am going to move abroad
I want to take my pet with me

Contact us

There are lots of things to prepare for moving
I do not know well about the import and export of pets

Contact us

Apparently there are a lot of complicated documents

Contact us

With our support, you feel relieved
Our experienced staff members support you

Contact us

It is ok even if the moving date is undecided

Contact us

We support you to export / import your pets between your contry and Japan
Assist pet owners to apply for the government-issued permits

It is necessary to obtain a "government-issued permit" from both departure and arrival countries.

Immigration conditions, the required documents and the timings of medical treatments differ depending on the country.

Required certificates issued by a veterinarian and expertise in medical English.

Absolutely, we communicate with government agencies and draft the certificate to be issued by a veterinarian in medical English.

Our Japanese staff who are familiar with the complex procedures of animal quarantine will assist you.

If you ask us to assist you to import / export pets, you can apply for the "government-issued permit" smoothly.

Please feel free to contact us. It is okay if the moving date is undecided.

Please consult with us for India, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, etc.

We are currently suspending support for some countries (e.g. China, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, etc.).