Japanese staff who are familiar with complex procedures will be taking care of you and your pet

We are providing necessary support according to the situation of each pet, so you can travel with peace of mind

Our strengths

  • Our Japanese staff are familiar with complex procedures of animal quarantine
  • Create a schedule according to the situation of each animal.
  • Flexible response even if the moving date is undecided or suddenly delayed.
  • We support the preparation of English certificates for your family veterinarian. No worries for owners who do not understand medical English.
  • Frequent communication with the Animal Quarantine Office of MAFF (the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) of the Japanese Government provides smooth support to owners.
  • Communication in Japanese and English is possible
  • Offer advice on preparing for a sudden return to Japan.
  • Staff with many years of experience living abroad


Please consult with us for India, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, etc.

We are currently suspending support for some countries (e.g. China, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, etc.).

Message from CEO

I’m Hana, the CEO. Thank you for visiting our website.

I myself have experienced many moves overseas with my dog. (The photo shows a walk with my dog ​​in Singapore.)

Preparing for pets to enter and leave the country was difficult every time. Even in normal times, it was difficult, but when I lived in India, COVID-19 spread and I had to return home urgently with my dog. Fortunately, I was preparing for my dog’s return in advance in preparation for a sudden return, so I was able to return home safely together.

People who have heard about such experiences are requesting support more and more, and I started Paw with the desire to help more people.

Pets entering and leaving the country must meet the different requirements of each country. You will need to prepare complex English documents and interact with veterinarians and government agencies. Pets cannot enter the country together if we make any mistakes in the procedure.

If you ask us to support you, you can move abroad with your pets with peace of mind. I look forward to hearing from you. Click here for inquiries  http://en.paw-pet.net/contact


CEO profile

Graduated from Keio University, completed UCSD (University of California, San Diego) Ex. Business program

Served as a new business manager at Fujitsu (Singapore), a new business senior manager at a international IT company, a public relations manager at an investment company, and a new business development manager at Recruit

I have been working with the desire to “deliver comfortable everyday life to customers through our businesses.” At Paw, I would like to contribute to the owners and pets with the same feelings.